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Let's Roll-Out the Red Carpet for the opening ball of the 2023-2024 Karneval Session with surprise entertainment, laughter, music & dancing.

Come dressed in your finest red carpet attire, suitable for meeting the 5th Season royalty, appropriate for an elegant evening, but at the same time, suitable for dancing the night away. Be  a part of the session's atmosphere, come alone or bring your friends to this party.  And since this is a Karneval event (German Mardi Gras) - costumes are always in fashion!  

Choosing a seat, the bottom of the Table Map is the west end of the hall &  where the stage is!  Chair arrangement is from left to right (1-8).


5:00  Doors open - cocktail hour

6:00  Reserved dinner served  6:00 - 7:00 (Menu below)

7:33  Karneval performances


Gemischter Salat            -   Mixed Salad
Rinder-Rouladen              -   Beef-Rouladen, traditional German dish
Geröstete Kartoffeln      -   Roasted Potatoes
Gemüse                            -   Vegetables
Brötchen mit Butter        -   Roll & Butter
Nachtisch und Kaffee      -   Dessert and Coffee

General Terms

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.