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German American Societies 2025-2026 Club Membership

1 Apr, 2025 at 1:00 to 1 Apr, 2026 at 23:45

Membership Purchase or Renewal

This ticket is your receipt for Club membership dues to the German American Societies of San Diego for the April 2025 through March 2026 membership year.  Your membership card will be printed and send to you. Please let us know any changes of your provided information to update the roster (i.e. Email, address etc.)
New Members: Family memberships need a 2nd adult first and last name and Email (opt).
Memberships are not transferable.
Q/A - Membership: [email protected]


Pay Membership Dues!

Family, 1 fiscal year: Two Adults & their Kids<21 & Students<26 living at home


Please provide the name of the 2nd Adult member in the box below.
Thank you - Danke!

Single, 1 fiscal year


Student, 1 fiscal year: <26 w/current Student ID (copy)


Must be full time student under the age of 26 at an accredited educational institution.


Voluntary Donation - Danke! Thank you!


Donations are appreciated.  Danke schön!

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General Terms

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.

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Event Summary
Club Membership year: 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026

Online membership payment is intended for both renewals and new members.  Please let us know any changes to your provided information.  For new members, all contact information must be submitted for us to include you to our roster & on our mailing list.

Club Membership runs from 1 April of the year to 31 March of the following year.  Membership may be purchased as:

  • Family  $70  (2 adults & their children under 21 or full time students under 26 & living at home)
  • Single   $40
  • Student $25   (full time under 26 - please provide current/valid ID)
  • Donations are welcome and used to maintain the facility.
  • Club Membership cards w/ your Member # (for free/discounted entry) will be printed & send to you.
  • Changes on your Membership information: see Questionaries (red box on right side) - please let us know your current information.

To keep your membership current and maintain your eligibility to vote in the club's general election, renewal is due by the 31st of March each year.  In addition, participation in one or more of the club's under-groups requires club membership as a precondition. Membership is not transferable. Q/A: [email protected]

Event Details

The German-American Societies of San Diego is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of California for charitable purposes.  Specifically, the purpose of the club shall include preservation of German heritage through educational, cultural and service activities ultimately furthering the understanding of German-American contributions to the growth of American history.

With members from all areas around San Diego County and beyond, we offer a home with Germanic atmosphere 'Gemütlichkeit' to our many members, friends and the community for 60 years.  Our club house and our events like dinner dances, Anniversary Ball, New Year’s Gala, Choir Concerts, and Karneval Events are open to the public. You might know our famous “El Cajon Oktoberfest” and our annual Maifest. But we have so many more activities for you to enjoy, like Damenkreis (Ladies’ Circle), Karneval (German Mardi Gras), BoogieTanz Kabarett (traditioneal & other dances), KinderTanzGruppe (children’s dance group), German Theater Group San Diego (German/English), St.Hubertus Schützenverein (competive target shooting) including a Youth Schützen Group, Germania Blaskapelle (Brass band), the Soccer group - ZickeZackeFußballClub, Skat (German card game) afternoons & evenings, German Language Study Group (Tuesdays).   Come and enjoy German culture, tradition and friendships with us!  We welcome everyone, both members and guests.  Herzlich Willkommen!

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